The complaint shall clearly indicate:
- a matter, to which it relates,
- a public administration body, against which it is filed,
- an action, execution of which the claimant requires.
For faster investigation of complaint, we simultaneously recommend to submit copies of all documents, which are available to the claimant and confirm his statements. If the complaint doesn’t relate to claimant, it shall be also necessary to submit written approval with submission of the complaint, issued by a person concerned, or power of attorney covering the case.
A complaint, in which the claimant fails to mention his name, surname and address (business name and registered office in the case of legal entity), is an anonymous complaint. The public defender of rights is not obliged to deal with anonymous complaint. Claimant can ask the public defender of rights to keep the claimant’s identity confidential. In such a case, only a copy of complaint, which contains no personal data, shall be used in dealing with matter. If a claimant has asked for his identity to be kept confidential, but the nature of the complaint does not enable to settle the matter without disclosure of some of personal data, the claimant shall be immediately notified of it. At the same time, it shall be necessary to inform the claimant that for further dealing with the complaint his approval with disclosure of certain needed personal information has to be given within certain term.
Useful info on how to file a motion:
- the motion shall clearly indicate a matter, to which it relates, a public administration body, against which it is filed, and an action, execution of which the claimant requires,
- an anonymous motion need not be handled by the Public Defender of Rights,
- you may use your mother tongue in contacts with the Public Defender of Rights,
- in order to accelerate the investigation of your complaint, kindly submit any and all documents in copies, proving your statements,
- in order to handle your complaint in relation to the Public Defender of Rights, you may authorise another person.
We will do our best to handle your complaint as soon as possible according to the sequence, in which it has been delivered to us.